Dear cosmic family,
it was beautiful seeing you all at cosmic gathering last year and we hope you had a playful time since.
Some things changed in our orbit and we want to use todays balancing equinox energy to tell you: cosmic gathering has come to an end. Over the last months and a lot of talks we came to the point to say goodbye to our concrete jungle in Chemnitz. We will use this year to process, to regroup and to nourish. Therefore we won't organize a gathering in 2023.
Imagine a place somewhere in the woods where we can tumble on green grass together. We are working on future possibilities to come back together, hug each other and dance for days to our favorite music. We will be back and so will camp cosmic.
We want to thank you, the artists, all our guests, the people of Chemnitz and simply everybody who supported us over the last years. We will transform, so stay tuned, since we are brewing some new cosmic magic.
Love and light!
Team Camp Cosmic